A.I.M. offers the towel warmers in a varity of shapes, sizes and colors. A.I.M. towel warmers can serve a varity of purposes other then just warming towels. Such as help heat your bathroom when there is a lack of space for baseboards or radiators, or they can assist in heating your bathroom with the baseboard or radiators. The towel warmers can also help dry bathing suits or clothes that are taken directly out of the washer. A.I.M. towel warmers also assist in helping to keep the humidity level down as well as keeping the dampness out.
A.I.M. offers electric and hydronic heated towel warmers. The electric towel warmers are self contained unit containing mineral oil that is heated by a low wattage electric heating element. The hydronic heated towel warmers use hot water from either your domestic hot water heater or your hydronic heating system.

Hydronic Towel Warmers
Electric Towel Warmers