A.I.M. Radiant Heating and Erling Andersen of A.I.M.(Andersen International Marketing)meets Bob in the basement of a Modern Colonial house to discuss the heating system. The Boiler Room in a Box has just arrived in its crate fully assembled and ready to hang on the wall. Although the gas fired system has a very small footprint, it is a 175,000 btu boiler and can heat a 4,000 sq. ft. New England home. The water heated by the boiler is distributed throughout the house in two ways: through radiant baseboard and in the floor radiant. The slimline baseboard is made of aluminum and copper with the water distributed through PEX tubing. In rooms, such as the kitchen, with no space for baseboard the heated water runs through special PEX tubing with an aluminum core that is attached between the floor joists using plastic nail clips that suspend it about three inches below the base of the floor. Bob points out that the home's structural system comes with pre-drilled holes to facilitate the tubing installation. Once the radiant tubing has been run between all the joists, reflexive insulation is nailed up into each void effectively creating heat ducts between the joists.
To view clips from the show click links below:A.I.M.'s Extensive Installation Manual: